Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 - Module Mind & Meditation
6 days yogic life and practice 

Jivan Mukta and Sangeet Singh 05. - 10. January 2024

Location: Boizenburg - near Hamburg, Germany

Trainers: Jivan Mukta Singh from Spain/Finland and Sangeet Singh Gill (Germany)

Language: English/ German

Costs: 800, - Euro (before 15. December 2023 750,- Euro)  
plus training documents (booklets, 30,- Euro english, 45,- Euro german) 
plus 340 - 450 Euro Food and Accomodation 

Module: Mind & Meditation

Our two hemispheres are almost completely separate. They are only connected to each other in the brainstem. This fact is used in the exercises and meditations of Kundalini Yoga. They involve the different qualities of the cerebral hemispheres, which can be categorized as male and female polarities, or a lunar and sunny side.
The task of the "experiencing self" in the right hemisphere of the brain is to store experiences as memes.
The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for reading these memes and forming our identity and our worldview from them.


Jivan Mukta Singh is Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer for about 10 Years. He lives in Finland and Spain. 

Level 2 Kundalini Yoga TrainingSangeet Singh  teach Yoga Classes since 1997, first in his own Yoga School in Berlin, since 2002 in Frankfurt/Main. From 2008 on he is KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and Trainer for Sat Nam Rasayan. 

The training is licensed by KRI - the Kundalini Research Institute and 3HO International. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.
There are 5 modules in total. The modules can be taken individually.

Contact: 0049/178/5064628 (Sangeet Singh), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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